The Secret To Silverfish Control In Your Jacksonville Home

April 20, 2020

Imagine you’re having dinner in your Jacksonville home, enjoying the evening, when you notice something small and silver squirming about on the floor. There’s no doubt about it: it’s a silverfish, and if you spot one, chances are there are others. Homes in Jacksonville, FL, are especially likely to get a silverfish infestation due to the natural environment, so let’s discuss what silverfish look like and how to prevent them.

silverfish crawling on a bathroom floor

What Do Silverfish Look Like?

Disappointing to many, the silverfish is neither made of silver, nor is it a fish. Silverfish get their name from two things: they have a shiny, silvery color, and they tend to move in a fish-like manner. Silverfish have teardrop-shaped bodies that only grow to between 1-2 cm in length. They have six short legs and long body-length antennae and a tail. They also have two “cerci,” or antenna-like structures on their rear that are primarily used to sense what’s behind them. 
While they can survive in most habitats, they much prefer cool, dark, damp spaces. This is why Jacksonville residents should prepare: Florida’s humidity is perfect for silverfish, and since Florida homes are air-conditioned most days of the year, silverfish may be looking for a house like yours.

Are Silverfish a Problem?

The good news is, silverfish are some of the most harmless pests you can have. They might look weird and alien but they don’t pose a serious threat to your family. They aren’t known to carry any diseases, cause any allergies, or bite people. The bad news is, silverfish can damage your home and belongings. These buggers snack on sugars and carbs, so it’s possible to find them in your food-storage areas, or inside insulation, books, and floorboards, potentially damaging your household.
Silverfish are annoying. These nocturnal insects will pop up around the house and scuttle away before you can catch them, disturbing anyone who hates bugs underfoot. Since silverfish prefer cool, dark spaces, you can often find them hiding in your closets, storage space, clothes, pantry, or cardboard boxes, creating a nasty shock to anyone who finds their shape weird and disgusting. 
Silverfish aren’t a problem in the medical sense, but they’re still pests – and tricky pests at that. Silverfish are difficult to remove once they’ve infested your house because they are hard to catch. Their flat, small bodies are incredibly evasive, and since they usually only come out at night, it’s hard to spot them during the day. Sugar traps or poisons simply don’t work, since these insects are fast, stealthy, and spread around your home.

Silverfish Prevention Tips

Since silverfish prove frustrating to get rid of, it’s best to have a prevention plan in place. This can include the following:

  • Use a dehumidifier in spaces that are dark and undisturbed, especially attics, basements, and even bedrooms at night. Silverfish require lots of humidity to survive, so a dehumidifier can make your home less appealing.
  • Seal, caulk, and repaint your home’s exterior. Since silverfish are so tiny, they can easily squeeze inside the tiniest holes, especially those around your windows and doors. 
  • Vacuum regularly, as this is a surefire way to suck up silverfish as well as other pests that might be burrowing in your carpets. Also, be sure to clean your gutters and make sure that water drains away from your house, otherwise you’ll create sitting pools of water that attract these pests.
  • Keep your food storage properly, sealed away from pests.

While silverfish can be deterred and locked out, they can still find a way inside. If you see one roaming around your house, don’t wait until you see another – reach out to the pest experts today at Lindsey Pest Service, and we’ll take care of the infestation in your Jacksonville home


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