mouse on tree

What Do House Mice Look Like?

Over time, the house mouse is a species of rodent that has learned how to rely on people and our property for some of their food and shelter needs. House mice have an oval-shaped body covered in light brown to dark gray fur. Their underbellies are lighter in color and usually a tannish color. They have large ears that stand up and a long skinny tail covered in a light layer of velvety fur. From the tip of their pointed nose to the tip of their tail, adult house mice range in length from 5 ½ to 7 inches.

mouse inside drawer

When Are House Mice Most Active?

The house mouse is one of the peskiest rodents for home and business owners throughout the country. House mice do not hibernate and are active year-round. They are nocturnal, which means they are most active during the period between dusk and dawn. House mice have the potential to enter into homes and other structures any time of the year but tend to be most problematic in the late fall when food sources become scarce outside, and the weather begins to cool. They often like to overwinter in our homes which provide warm, safe shelter and easy access to food.

What Attracts House Mice?

House mice find their way to any property that offers them many places to forage for food. Things like trash cans, compost bins, gardens, and pet food attract hungry house mice. Mice are also drawn to areas of standing water and areas of dense vegetation that they can hide within. Once on your property, it is common for these opportunistic creatures to find their way inside your home through spaces in the foundation and exterior walls. Keeping mice from finding their way inside of your structure is difficult, especially since they can enter inside through an area no larger than a dime!

Are House Mice Dangerous?

House mice that have moved inside your Jacksonville home or business pose dangers for people and our property. House mice contaminate food and surfaces with their saliva and excrement and spread diseases like Hantavirus, Leptospirosis, and Salmonella. Also, the house mouse’s shed fur and droppings trigger allergic reactions in many people.

These mice are also damaging pests. Like all rodents, house mice have front incisors on their top and bottom jaws that continuously grow. To prevent their teeth from overgrowing, they chew on almost anything they come across. Their chewing habits trigger fires, cause electrical shorts, and even water damage because of their ability to chew through wires, pipes, insulation, drywall, flooring. They also cause damage to our personal property by chewing on boxes, clothing, shoes, and furniture.

How Do I Get Rid Of House Mice?

Effective rodent control starts with identifying the type of rodent infestation. Once a house mouse infestation is identified, our rodent control experts will find potential rodent entry points and provide one-time or ongoing rodent control services to eliminate the infestation. Our rodent control services include trapping and removal, monitoring, and exclusion. To learn more about our effective rodent control services or schedule a free, no-obligation inspection, reach out to Lindsey Pest Services today!


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