What do mosquitoes look like?
Mosquitoes are thin insects with a pair of scaled wings and long legs. They have long proboscis that protrude from their heads and act as their mouths. Depending on their species, mosquitoes can be gray, black, brown, and white to name a few colors. They may also have color patterns or distinct markings.

Asian Tiger Mosquitoes
Also known as the forest mosquito, they have an exotic look with a single white stripe running from the center of their heads down their backs.
This type of mosquito feeds mainly during daylight hours and is active year-round in warm climates.

Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes
They have markings on the upper surface of their thorax and white marks on their legs.
The Aedes aegypti mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, including here in Jacksonville, Florida.

Salt Marsh Mosquitoes
They have dark scales on their abdomens and pale bands along each segment, resembling a racing stripe. The mosquitoes also have dark legs with broad, white bands.
The female salt marsh mosquito is highly aggressive and seeks blood meals both day and night.
These mosquitoes are commonly found along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico.
When are mosquitoes most active?
What do mosquitoes eat?
Male mosquitoes primarily feed on plant nectar; they do not bite humans or animals for blood meal. Female mosquitoes also feed on plant nectar, but they need blood from humans and animals to reproduce.
Where do mosquitoes lay eggs?
Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in items that hold stagnant water, such as birdbaths, kids' toys, bottle caps, buckets, and pools of water.
What attracts mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are drawn to body heat and certain blood types. Female mosquitoes can detect their prey up to 150 feet away before landing and biting. Some studies suggest that female mosquitoes are attracted to individuals with blood type O, pregnant women, people who are exercising or sweating with an increased body temperature, and those who consume alcohol, which also raises body temperature.
Standing water is another major attractant. Anything that collects and holds rainwater is a potential breeding site.
Are mosquitoes dangerous?
When bitten by mosquitoes, people can experience anything from mild skin irritation to severe inflammation and swelling. Even more worrying is the risk of contracting serious diseases such as West Nile virus, Chikungunya, yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika virus, and others from mosquito bites. The World Health Organization has stated that over 50% of the global population is susceptible to mosquito-borne diseases.
How do I get rid of mosquitoes?
It is impossible to entirely rid your property of all mosquitoes, but you can significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes breeding and flying around with professional mosquito control from Lindsey Pest Services.
Our mosquito control is a year-round service that targets adult mosquitoes and includes treatment for areas where these pests breed. While we cannot completely eliminate mosquitoes, our treatments drastically reduce adult mosquitoes and stop mosquitoes' eggs from hatching into adults.
Homeowners can also bundle mosquito control with home pest control services for greater protection and savings. Check out our Best Plan below or give us a call!
Best Pest Control Plan
For protection from common household pests and pests that take over your backyard, Lindsey Pest’s Best plan is the ideal choice. Starting at only $69* per month, this home pest control plan offers the same benefits as the Better plan but also includes treatments that significantly reduce mosquito activity, control fire ants, and keep scorpions and other stinging insects away from your property!
With this plan, you’ll receive an initial service that includes a comprehensive interior and exterior inspection, as well as treatment for any existing pest problems. To keep your home pest-free, a Lindsey Pest technician will return every quarter to treat the exterior of the home.
Quarterly Pest Service
Lindsey Pest Free Guarantee
30+ Common Pests
Webbing Removal (Up to 12 ft)
Wasp Removal (Up to 12 ft)
Rodent Control & Trapping
Seasonal Mosquito Suppression
Fire Ant Control
Scorpion & Other Stinging Insect Control
Pests Covered In This Program:
German Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, Brown Banded Cockroaches, Australian Cockroaches, Asian Cockroaches, Woods Roaches, Carpenter Ants, Pyramid Ants, Rover Ants, Ghost Ants, Thief Ants, Monomorium Ants, Acrobat Ants, Big-Headed Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants, Little Black Ants, Silverfish, Fire Brats, Springtails, Psocids, Polistes Wasps, Crickets, Earwigs, Cellar Spiders, Jumping Spiders, Weevils, Cigarette Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles, and Fungus Gnats, Rodents PLUS Mosquitoes, Fire Ants, Scorpions, and Stinging Insects.
Additional Details
* New customers only - after initial fee. Some exclusions may apply.
* One year service agreement required
* Early cancellation fee may apply

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