Lindsey Takes The Sting Out Of Wasps & Hornets
Wasps and hornets commonly cause problems for homeowners during the spring and summer. They spend their whole lives searching for food and new nesting locations for the development of new populations. Paper wasps, yellow jackets, and bald-faced hornets get aggressive when they need to defend their nests, so having hives near homes and businesses is a threat best handled by professional pest control companies like Lindsey Pest Services of Jacksonville, Florida.
How We Get Rid Of Wasps And Hornets
To completely free your property from wasps and hornets, you must remove their nest. You could kill off each wasp or hornet you see individually, but as long as the nest remains, you will continue to have problems. Getting rid of stinging insects and their nests is a potentially dangerous task, as the nuisance pests’ stings are painful and can also cause severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. When a customer calls us about wasps and hornets, we will:
- Schedule a visit to the property to perform an inspection.
- Locate the nest.
- Provide a quote for removing the nest and eliminating your wasp or hornet problem.
- Implement a treatment plan to eliminate these stinging insects from your property.
Please note: We only provide wasp and hornet nest destruction services when it is safe for the neighborhood, which is generally at dawn or dusk. Once completed, we’ll return to your property to inspect for straggler wasps and hornets that need to be removed.
Sign Up For Year-Round Home Pest Control!
Better Pest Control Plan "Our Most Popular Plan!"
Starting at only $59* per month, Lindsey's Better plan protects your home and family from over 30 general pests plus rodents. This residential pest control plan includes an initial interior and exterior inspection and treatment for your existing pest problem. After the initial service, an experienced technician will return every quarter to perform an exterior treatment to keep insects and rodents out.
Quarterly Pest Service
Lindsey Pest Free Guarantee
30+ Common Pests
Webbing Removal (Up to 12 ft)
Wasp Removal (Up to 10 ft)
Rodent Control
Seasonal Mosquito Suppression
Fire Ant Control
Scorpion & Other Stinging Insect Control
Pests Covered In This Program:
German Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, Brown Banded Cockroaches, Australian Cockroaches, Asian Cockroaches, Woods Roaches, Carpenter Ants, Pharaoh Ants, Rover Ants, Ghost Ants, Thief Ants, Monomorium Ants, Acrobat Ants, Big-Headed Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants, Little Black Ants, Silverfish, Fire Brats, Springtails, Psocids, Polistes Wasps, Crickets, Earwigs, Cellar Spiders, Jumping Spiders, Weevils, Cigarette Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles, and Fungus Gnats PLUS Rodents
Additional Details
* New customers only - after initial fee. Some exclusions may apply.
* One year service agreement required
* Early cancellation fee may apply

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