lindsey blog
brown recluse spider on basement wall

How To Tell If The Spiders On Your Jacksonville Property Are Dangerous

December 21, 2020

If you see a spider in the yard, it sends up a little alarm signal that most people brush aside.  A spider in the house, however, raises every alarm you’ve got. Your stomach turns over, your skin crawls, and the hair rises on the back of your neck. But what if a little bit of education could help you separate the threatening spiders from the harmless ones? And what if one simple call could help you keep them all out for good?...

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a black widow spider hilding onto a web upside-down along a jacksonville porch

What's That Spider Inside My Jacksonville Home?

August 23, 2019

Do you remember the nursery rhyme about an old lady who swallowed a fly, then a spider, then a bird? While the song is absurd, many people can understand doing almost anything to get rid of a spider. Spiders are one of the most hated and feared pests. Their long legs are unnerving, their webs irritating and creepy....

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