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Local Pest Control Pros In Green Cove Springs, FL

Green Cove Springs is located along a portion of the St. John River in Clay County, Florida. It is best known for its natural spring, green foliage, trees, and the safe cove it provides boat owners. In addition to beautiful scenery, great weather, and friendly people, living in Green Cove Springs means that you can protect your home or business from area pests with the help of Lindsey Pest Services. For more than 60 years, we have been trusted to protect homes and businesses in the Greater Jacksonville area from being invaded and damaged by insects and rodents. Our pest control solutions are modern, effective, and eco-friendly. To learn more about our exceptional pest control solutions, get in touch with Lindsey Pest Services today!

Home Pest Control Plans & Pricing In Green Cove Springs, FL

Lindsey Pest Services is proud to be the go-to pest control expert in Green Cove Springs and the Greater Jacksonville area. If you're tired of ants, cockroaches, and other pests showing up in and around your home, our team of highly trained and fully licensed pest control specialists can help!

We provide year-round home pest control in Green Cove Spring that addresses existing pest activity and keeps insects and rodents out of homes all year long. What's more, we have three levels of pest control protection allowing homeowners to select the coverage that suits their needs and budget.

You can find more details about our residential plans and pricing below, or feel free to give us a call if you have any questions!

Mosquito Control In Green Cove Springs, FL

Mosquitoes are active throughout most of the year in Florida, making minimizing your family’s exposure to these biting, disease-spreading pests especially important. Things you can do on your property to make it less attractive to mosquitoes include reducing overgrown vegetation, keeping the grass cut short, correctly maintaining your pool, and removing areas of standing water.
 To help you win the war against mosquitoes, Lindsey Pest Services offers effective mosquito control services in Green Cove Springs. To reduce mosquito numbers on your property, our professionals will:

  • Complete an inspection to identify mosquito hot spots and breeding sites.

  • Treat problem areas using a mosquito barrier treatment.

  • Treat mosquito breeding sites to stop mosquitoes from hatching.

  • Return every six weeks to three months to re-treat. 

    For protection against mosquitoes, termites, fire ants, and house-infesting pests, we encourage homeowners to sign up for your Best Plan. 

Commercial Pest Control In Green Cove Springs, Florida

Some of the many reasons why you need to protect your Green Cove Springs commercial property with the help of a professional include:

  • Pest populations multiple quickly.

  • Pests can breach the barrier of structures in multiple ways. Pests carry and transmit disease, bacteria, and parasites.

  • Pests can damage inventory, the structure of your facility, and equipment.

  • Pest sightings in and around your facility can cause loss of business, revenue, and a damaged reputation.

    To successfully prevent pest problems inside your commercial facility, turn to Lindsey Pest Services and our effective commercial pest control services. We focus on preventing pest problems through Integrated Pest Management and by customizing a pest control program that will fit your exact needs. To schedule a free inspection of your Green Cove Springs commercial property, get in touch with us today at Lindsey Pest Services.

Bed Bug Control In Green Cove Springs, FL

The moment you suspect you have a bed bug problem in your Green Cove Springs home is the moment you start to feel stressed and worried about every little itch. Considering they feed on people's blood to stay alive, this is a fair feeling to have. The good news is there are ways to spot an active infestation, which can keep you protected:

  • Bloodstains on your bedding

  • Excrement or fecal spots in hiding places like the walls or your clothing

  • Shed skins

  • Discarded eggshells

  • Strong, musty odor

  • Bed bug sighting

    If you've noticed or observed any of these signs, it's a great idea to bring in the experts to verify and eliminate any bed bug infestation on the premises. Contact Lindsey Pest Services today to explore your bed bug control options and become bedbug-free once again!

Termite Control In Green Cove Springs, FL

To protect your Green Cove Springs property from invasive, wood-eating termites, Lindsey Pest Services has developed a highly effective process to eliminate and control termite populations. Our termite control in Green Cove Springs includes:

  • A thorough termite inspection using a moisture meter to identify areas with moisture issues. Our professionals will also look for signs of termites, including mud tubes, active termites, and termite damage.

  • Utilizing Termatrac T3i to pinpoint heat sources and movement within walls.

  • The installation of the Sentricon® System with Always Active™ to offer a long-term solution against termites.

  • Visits to your property every three months to inspect your property, making sure that it is still termite-free, and to keep your termite damage warranty active.

    For more information about preventing problems with wood-eating termites in your Green Cove Springs home or business, reach out to Lindsey Pest Services today. 

Rodent Control In Green Cove Springs, FL

It seems that no matter where you go, rodents are sure to make their presence known. Not only do they like to invade your home, but they bring a mess of problems like property damage, disease transmission, and fleas inside.

To make matters worse, rodents reproduce quickly, making rodent control challenging to handle. Fortunately, rodent prevention is much easier, especially when following our five simple tips: 

  1. Food Control: Ensure rodent access to any food, including crumbs, is prevented by sealing and storing the food properly.

  2. Trash Management: Use trashcans with lids that seal shut and store all trash away from the home for the best protection.

  3. Seal The Entry Points: With a combo of silicone caulk and steel wool, seal all holes, cracks, and other entry points to prevent access.

  4. Landscaping: All overgrown shrubs, tree branches, and other overgrowth signs should be trimmed back and away from the home.

  5. Clean And De-clutter: Rodents like to hide, so make sure to clean and remove all clutter to reduce the number of potential hiding spots.

    As a bonus tip, nothing works better than ongoing professional rodent control services. If you want the best protection possible, then reach out to Lindsey Pest Services today to explore your rodent control options and experience a rodent-free home now!

Flea Control In Green Cove Springs, FL

It's not a secret that fleas are annoying for pets and even for humans in cases of extreme infestation. However, did you know that fleas get into your homes in multiple ways? Below are the common ways fleas get inside:

  • Pets: By far the most common method, fleas hitch a ride on your pet and are inside before you even know there's a problem.

  • Nuisance Wildlife: If not your pets, then other animals like rodents and raccoons might be responsible for bringing fleas into your home.

  • Secondhand Furniture: Did you buy used furniture? You might have brought fleas into your home. Check carefully before getting the new couch inside.

    No matter how they got inside, fleas don't belong in your Green Cove Springs home. Partner with Lindsey Pest Services to keep them away from your property. Contact us today to get started on your flea control.

Wasp Control In Green Cove Springs, FL

People tend not to like pests because of the potential threat of direct harm, which is what wasps do when provoked. Thanks to their stinger, wasps attack with a powerful sting, which can cause allergic people complications.

For this and other reasons, it's essential to practice solid wasp control; otherwise, you'll feel trapped on your own property. Some things you need to know include but aren't limited to:

  • Nest Removal Is Dangerous: Wasps are highly aggressive and will attack at the slightest provocation making it dangerous to remove wasp nests on your own.
  • Natural Scents Help: Some scents like geranium, clove, and lemongrass naturally repel wasps, making it easier to keep them away.
    The Queen Matters: If you don't get the queen and the worker wasps, you'll suffer from a new nest. You must eliminate them all to remove them from the premises.

    Thanks to the inherent dangers of removing an existing infestation, it's always best to leave wasp control in the hands of professionals. Contact Lindsey Pest Services today to handle your wasp removal and take back control of your property!

Roach Treatments In Green Cove Springs, FL

One pest that’s universally loathed is the cockroach. Roaches are dirty pests and are known to transmit diseases, contaminate food, cause allergy and asthma flare-ups, and most importantly, are nearly impossible to eliminate. If you want to avoid finding cockroaches, one of the best things you can do is remove factors that may attract them. Try to repair leaking faucets and keep humid areas such as bathrooms well-ventilated to reduce excess moisture in your home. You can also seal your garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and clean crumbs from under kitchen appliances.

For the most effective cockroach control and prevention, rely on the help of our experts at Lindsey Pest Services. Our team has the training and equipment needed to help you say goodbye to cockroaches for good.
Don’t let the cockroaches overtake your home. Contact Lindsey Pest Services today to explore your cockroach control options and enjoy a roach-free home.

Green Cove Springs, FL Ant Control

Ants are small and generally keep to themselves, making them more of a nuisance than a threat. However, they still crawl over everything and cause problems with a large enough colony. Some ways to minimize ants in your Green Cove Springs home are:

  • Keep all dining areas free of spills and food debris.

  • Only use trashcans with tight-fitting lids.

  • Eliminate all sources of decaying wood from the property.

  • Eliminate all sources of water, including leaks in and around the home.

  • Repair any cracks in the pavement in your driveway.

    The best way to minimize your chances of ant problems is with professional ant control in Green Cove Springs. Our team is experienced and equipped to handle your ant problems from start to finish. More importantly, we help you keep ant infestations from happening in the future.

    Don’t let the ants stay inside a moment longer. Reach out to Lindsey Pest Control today for ant control solutions that give you back control of your home.

Lindsey Pest Services is trusted by over 23,000 happy customers

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