Palm Valley, FL Pest Control Pros
Like many other communities, Palm Valley is home to many insects and other pests attracted to the warm, sunny weather found throughout most of the year in Florida. That's why Lindsey Pest Services offers effective and reliable pest control services in Palm Valley that are designed to protect homes and businesses from nuisance and potentially harmful or damaging insects and rodents. Contact us today to learn more about our solutions
Home Pest Control In Palm Valley, Florida
For over 65 years, the professionals at Lindsey Pest Services have provided comprehensive solutions to eliminate pests and prevent future infestations and continue to do so. In fact, we offer three different comprehensive residential pest control plans (Good, Better, and Best plans) for our Palm Valley homeowners to choose from to help meet their unique pest control needs. Check out our plans or pricing below and give us a call!
One-Time Only Pest Service
What's Included: Covers One Individual Pest Concern
(Excludes Termites - Basic 60 Day Guarantee - Call For Details)
Call Today or Request Free Estimate
Commercial Pest Control In Palm Valley, FL
To protect your Palm Valley business from the damaging side-effects of a pest infestation, the local professionals at Lindsey Pest Services offer effective, eco-friendly pest control solutions that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. We focus on preventing pest problems through Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and use chemical alternatives and practical pest solutions whenever possible. Our professionals work with our business customers to create a customized pest-elimination plan, providing lasting pest protection for your business in an environmentally friendly manner. Lindsey Pest Services uses pest elimination strategies that follow the strict guidelines and standards set forth by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).
Palm Valley, FL Flea Control
The warm, humid weather in Florida means that fleas are, unfortunately, a year-round pest problem in Palm Valley. Fleas are most often introduced onto properties on the backs of wild animals or stray cats or dogs; once on your property, they can easily find their way into your home on you, your children, or your pets. Once inside, fleas are tough to completely eliminate without the help of a professional.
At Lindsey Pest Services, we successfully eliminate fleas through our quality interior and exterior flea treatments. To rid a home entirely of fleas, it is necessary to have at least two interior treatments completed, but treatments will continue until the infestation has been eliminated. For even more peace of mind regarding fleas, we offer a 90-day treatment guarantee that is activated once proof is presented that pets are on a flea preventative program. To learn more about our effective solutions to invasive fleas, contact the flea control experts at Lindsey Pest Services today.

Guide To Bed Bug Prevention In Palm Valley, FL
Preventing problems with bed bugs in your Palm Valley home can be a difficult task because there are so many places you can come into contact with them: at an airport, movie theater, library, shopping center, hospital, hotel, motel, school, or in a taxi, airplane, or bus. To help avoid picking up bed bugs and introducing them into your home, the professionals at Lindsey Pest Services offer the following tips:
When out and about in public places, always keep all personal belongings (bags, coats, purses, packages, etc.) up off of the ground.
Regularly wash bags, outerwear, and other items that you and your family use daily.
Teach your children to keep their items in their designated area at school: locker, hook, or cubbie.
Before bringing luggage into a hotel room, always inspect the room for signs of bed bugs first.
Keep luggage off the hotel floor and keep personal belongings in sealed plastic bags when not in use.
After returning home from a trip, wash and dry all clothing on a high-heat cycle immediately. Vacuum and wipe down all suitcases that were taken.
Do not purchase used furniture, mattresses, or box springs for use in your home.
If bed bugs do make their way into your home, don’t panic, call Lindsey Pest Services. We offer a variety of bed bug solutions to ensure that the entire infestation is eliminated and follow-up services to ensure that a re-infestation does not occur.
Palm Valley, FL Termite Control
Anyone who has lived in the Palm Valley area knows that termites are a considerable threat to both home and commercial property owners. Termites cause havoc in buildings by eating away at wooden objects and supports, deteriorating the overall security of the building. Termites do not need sleep or rest like other creatures, consuming wood sources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get about termites here at Lindsey Pest Services:
Q: What kinds of termite species do we get in Palm Valley?
A: There are three primary types: the drywood termite, the dampwood termite, and the subterranean termite. Other varieties do exist and remain potential threats to any Floridian property.
Q: Can I prevent termites on my own?
A: Termite prevention can be DIY'd with some time, money, and a little elbow grease, although it is far less effective than termite prevention from Lindsey Pest Services. If you are already experiencing the signs of an infestation, professional termite control will be your best and only option for remediation.
Q: Will my homeowners insurance plan cover termite damage?
A: Sadly, most homeowners insurance plans do not cover pest activity and will not protect your building after a significant infestation. You will need to repair any damages entirely out of pocket.
For effective termite control services in Palm Valley that include a $250,000 termite damage repair warranty, contact Lindsey Pest Services today!
And for homeowners who'd like to bundle pest and termite control, please check out our Better Plan below.
Better Pest Control Plan "Our Most Popular Plan!"
Starting at only $59* per month, Lindsey's Better plan protects your home and family from over 30 general pests plus rodents. This residential pest control plan includes an initial interior and exterior inspection and treatment for your existing pest problem. After the initial service, an experienced technician will return every quarter to perform an exterior treatment to keep insects and rodents out.
Quarterly Pest Service
Lindsey Pest Free Guarantee
30+ Common Pests
Webbing Removal (Up to 12 ft)
Wasp Removal (Up to 10 ft)
Rodent Control
Seasonal Mosquito Suppression
Fire Ant Control
Scorpion & Other Stinging Insect Control
Pests Covered In This Program:
German Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, Brown Banded Cockroaches, Australian Cockroaches, Asian Cockroaches, Woods Roaches, Carpenter Ants, Pharaoh Ants, Rover Ants, Ghost Ants, Thief Ants, Monomorium Ants, Acrobat Ants, Big-Headed Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants, Little Black Ants, Silverfish, Fire Brats, Springtails, Psocids, Polistes Wasps, Crickets, Earwigs, Cellar Spiders, Jumping Spiders, Weevils, Cigarette Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles, and Fungus Gnats PLUS Rodents
Additional Details
* New customers only - after initial fee. Some exclusions may apply.
* One year service agreement required
* Early cancellation fee may apply

Effective Rodent Control In Palm Valley Homes
Rats and mice are frequent invaders of residential homes, particularly those around the Palm Valley area. Frequent rainfall and high temperatures allow rodents to breed and thrive during all parts of the year, considerably worsening established infestations. Once these creatures get into your home, they have the potential to cause food contamination, property destruction, and even physical harm in the form of bites, scratches, or disease transfer. The best and most important step towards leading a rodent-free life is to add appropriate prevention steps into your maintenance routine. Do this by:
- Keeping all food items and ingredients locked up in sealed containers.
- Storing garbage bags and trash inside plastic bins.
- Cleaning the home and de-cluttering the house frequently.
Prevention is not often the best solution to rodent activity, especially if your property has experienced reoccurring infestations in the past. If the grounds around your home or business are beginning to show some signs of a rodent infestation, contact the winning crew at Lindsey Pest Services for rodent control solutions We’re here to help!
Palm Valley, FL Ant Control
Ants are one of the most annoying pests in our region, making their presence known through many colonies and thousands of individual scouts. Most entomologists recognize ant species as nuisance pests, meaning that they are harmless yet aggravating members of your backyard fauna. However, this doesn't stop certain species from causing problems on your property. This might include:
- The destruction of wood through carpenter ants.
- The contamination of food sources by Argentine ants or pavement ants.
- The spread of diseases thanks to Pharaoh ants.
Most homeowners in Palm Valley will only notice ant problems once they have become too big to handle. Check for these four signs to see if your property requires professional pest control:
1. Very visible ant mounds around cracks and sidewalks, corners of buildings, or near HVAC units.
2. Spotting chains of ants or ant scouts carrying food from the inside of your home back to their colonies.
3. Food sources that have been tampered with or broken into by ant species.
4. Growing concerns of bites, stings, or anaphylactic shock.
The threat of a high ant occupancy around your home isn't worth the risk. Instead, book a consultation with Lindsey Pest Services to determine an ant control plan right for you.
Palm Valley, FL Cockroach Extermination
With several dozen types of species in the United States, cockroaches are some of the most hated kitchen visitors in the southeast. Palm Valley kitchens are particularly susceptible to attacks from these insects and must be carefully managed to avoid disaster. American cockroaches, German cockroaches, and other cockroaches cause serious health and safety concerns virtually everywhere they roam. These pests should be locked out of the house (or business) for good. Do your part to keep cockroach species out of your kitchen by implementing these steps:
- Store trash only in designated bins, sealed within a plastic bag.
- Throw away all food waste or scraps, not allowing anything to remain on the counters overnight.
- Have your home frequently treated for pests by the team at Lindsey Pest Services.
Protect your home indefinitely with the help of Lindsey Pest Service’s cockroach elimination program.
Fly Control In Palm Valley, Florida
Palm Valley homes struggle immensely with Florida's burgeoning population of flies. These insects seem to make their way into every nook and cranny, infesting chimneys, bathrooms, kitchens, and other damp locations with the hopes of rearing their young. What's more, several hundred species of flies can infiltrate our Florida homes, resulting in gigantic infestations that are difficult to control.
It's important to stop infestations early on to protect your home from an invasion. However, if you're looking to get rid of flies around your Palm Valley home for good, you'll want to go beyond the basics. For example:
- Remove any possible attractant factors that could draw flies to your Palm Valley property. Start by sealing up cracks and gaps across the property to prevent egg-laying adults from working their way inside. Make sure to reduce household moisture with a dehumidifier, then repair leaky pipes and clogged drains.
- Eliminate all possible food sources for flies and their young. Take garbage bags out of the house at least once per week and be sure your recyclables are well-washed before placing them in the bin. Above all, try to wash dirty dishes right away. Remember: what's inedible to people are more than edible to flies!
- Work alongside a trained professional to remove fly activity for the long term. The professionals at Lindsey Pest Services would be honored to apply fast-acting products to your home or business. Regardless of the size or reach of your infestation, trust our team of fly experts to address your problem completely.
Get started with fly control by partnering with Lindsey Pest Services today. Call now to request a treatment quote.
All You Could Want To Know About The Little-Known Palm Valley Millipede
Some of the pests that infiltrate our Palm Valley homes are more disturbing than dangerous. Their presence is not widely seen around the Florida area and cannot pose much of a threat, but their presence around our homes and businesses remains frightening.
The millipede is one such insect, appearing around residential and commercial environments all over Florida. These insects are highly attracted to moisture and thick vegetation and prefer to spend their days wandering our yards in search of vegetation. Most millipedes in Palm Valley would rather live in the great outdoors and usually refrain from entering our homes, although the presence of one or more attractant factors may help to shoo them inside.
You should know that millipedes are neither dangerous nor deadly to humans and pets. However, they can secrete a toxin that may irritate the skin. We recommend you leave millipedes to their own devices and refrain from picking them up. Instead, get in touch with Lindsey Pest Services for occasional insect control today.
Submit an online contact form to learn more.
Spider Control In Palm Valley, FL
Could your backyard spider population be nothing more than a simple nuisance or a collection of dangerous invaders that put your home and family at risk? You wouldn't be the first to ask this question in Palm Valley. Hundreds of spider species call this area home, some of which can inflict painful bites that become serious medical concerns.
There are just two species of dangerous spiders in Florida, the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider. Each of these pests is quite identifiable and rarely chooses to infest areas close to the home. Still, if you think a deadly species has made its way toward your Palm Valley property, it would be wise to seek professional counsel from a trained local provider.
Lindsey Pest Services is one such expert, offering spider control services to home and business owners alike. We perform scheduled maintenance services that keep established webs at bay and would be happy to identify any potentially problematic species. If you need spiders out, we can make it happen!
Sign up for spider control in Palm Valley today. Lindsey Pest Services is standing by to take your call.
Mosquito Control In Palm Valley, FL
You already know how dangerous a mosquito infestation can be. However, you may not be familiar with the exact procedure for getting them back out again. Mosquito infestations range far and wide in our area of the country, and without professional controls in place, they may be free to thrive interrupted.
The expert team at Lindsey Pest Services knows the score well and strives to provide a solid plan of action that accompanies long-term prevention advice. We suggest:
- Trimming back all hedges and bushes.
- Reducing standing water puddles around the yard.
- Signing up for regular mosquito control during the active season.
You can get started on the best mosquito control service in just a few minutes. Just submit an online contact form to learn more!
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