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fire ants crawling on a green leaf

How Dangerous Are Fire Ants On My Jacksonville, FL Property?

Jul 9, 2021

Most people wouldn’t be worried if they saw ants inside their Jacksonville, FL home or business. Folks tend to assume they are harmless because of how common they are. However, they present significant health risks. Ants have countless illness-causing germs. Further, some species can ruin your property. Fire ants are one subgroup that is prevalent in the region. Learn more about their dangers and what you can do to steer clear of...

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a house fly in a jacksonville kitchen

Five Simple Yet Effective Fly Control Tips For Jacksonville Homes

Jun 29, 2021

The constant buzzing could make anyone go mad. But flies in Jacksonville can be more than just annoying. They are dangerous to human and animal health, and they have, in the past, cost Florida millions of dollars in crop losses. Let us help you effectively control flies in your Jacksonville home with five simple tips to save your sanity and pantry....

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a cluster of fire ants crawling on food

Why Ants Come Into Your Jacksonville Home & How To Keep Them Out  

Mar 19, 2021

Ants are so commonplace, that people often pay them no mind. They don’t see the urgency in actively warding them off, thinking that they’re mostly harmless. This isn’t true. Numerous cells of bacteria are on their skin, which can spark critical health problems for Jacksonville homeowners. Moreover, some species can bite you or ruin the foundations of your home. You just don’t want to underestimate ants at all! ...

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a cluster of fruit flies on food in the trash

What You Ought To Know About Fruit Flies In Your Jacksonville Home 

Feb 26, 2021

Many Jacksonville homeowners love to keep a fresh bowl of fruit out in the kitchen. Having easy access to a delicious snack sounds harmless, right? Unfortunately, this is the most common way to attract fruit flies into your home. Having tons of fruit flies flitting around is a real nuisance. And they also bring other problems. ...

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a carpenter ant eating wood

Four Easy-To-Spot Signs Your Jacksonville Home May Have Carpenter Ants

Feb 19, 2021

Sunny Jacksonville is a great place to call home. As the most populous city in Florida, and one of the biggest cities in the country, many homeowners have their hopes and dreams rooted here. But due to the frequent rainy seasons in this area, you could run into certain pests that thrive in moist environments. Carpenter ants are one example of these types of pests to look out for in your Jacksonville home. Not every homeowner knows how to spot ...

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a brown norway rat outside

What You Ought To Know About The Rats In Jacksonville

Feb 10, 2021

Jacksonville is easily among the most popular cities in Florida. It enjoys a long history as a hotspot among tourists and locals! Jacksonville is famous for its culture, sports, and attractions. However, its human residents aren't the only ones to find an idyllic home in Jacksonville. As a top urban destination, rats have also settled deep within our beloved city. ...

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ants in kitchen eating food crumbs

Four Simple Yet Effective Pest Prevention Tips For Jacksonville Property Owners

Dec 30, 2020

Jacksonville is a beautiful city, and everyone who visits says that we have a little bit of everything. One thing we don’t have any of, though, is cold weather. We may love the temperatures remaining warm year-round, but so do the pests. Most regions get a break from the pests in the winter as those who don’t find somewhere to hide before the first frost will typically die off. However, with pests trying to get into our homes relen...

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a flea biting human skin

What To Do If You Have A Flea Problem In Your Jacksonville Home 

Nov 20, 2020

They may be small, but they sure are mighty – perhaps a little too mighty for their own good! Flea problems are some of the most common household plagues of the Jacksonville area. Scratchy pets, flea dirt, and catching sight of small jumping bugs may alert you to their presence, although it may be nigh impossible for most homeowners to see fleas with the naked eye alone. ...

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a black widow spider on her web in a garden

Everything Jacksonville Property Owners Ought To Know About Black Widow Spiders

Oct 28, 2020

There are only two spiders in the United States that are considered a medical threat. It should come as no surprise that the black widow spider is one of them. This spider has earned a scary reputation. But how true to life is this reputation? Are black widows as dangerous as you've heard? Here are a few things every Jacksonville property owner ought to know about black widow spiders, starting with how dangerous these spiders really are....

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