Jacksonville Homeowners' Guide To Silverfish

February 27, 2023

Lindsey Pest Services is the number one solution for Jacksonville pest control – and that includes silverfish, an insect that many of us have probably seen but don't know much about.

We've put together a guide containing some silverfish facts and other useful information that you can arm yourself with if you think you might be dealing with a silverfish infestation.

silverfish on styrofoam

What Are Silverfish?

A silverfish is a small insect with a metallic appearance and is known for it's wriggling movements. In fact, that's where it got its name. Silverfish look very much like their aquatic namesakes. 

Silverfish are common pests in Jacksonville, in large part because of their diet. These little critters love to eat anything that contains the same microbes found in paper and other household items. Clothing, office supplies, and everything in between are good eats for a silverfish, making our homes prime locations for these pests.

The Issue With Silverfish Creeping Around Your Home

Silverfish in Jacksonville don't consider us prey in any meaningful sense, though it's probably a good thing that silverfish size doesn't typically balloon past the size of a paper clip or clothespin. Their appearance can be startling and can be frightening to some. 

They hang around our homes because a lot of the items that we have in our houses, and indeed our clothes, are great food sources for silverfish. This makes silverfish a significant issue, even if they're not out to attack us directly. Silverfish in your home can lead to damage in a number of personal belongings. 

Their capacity for doing damage is one of the main reasons why it's important to call professionals for a solution if you are dealing with a silverfish infestation. Some people have waited years, or longer, to deal with silverfish infestations in their homes. Suffice it to say, some of those homeowners were very displeased to learn the extent of damage that silverfish may have caused to their clothing and other items.

Four No-Sweat Prevention Tips To Keep Silverfish Out Of Your Home

If you want to keep silverfish away from your property, it's worth asking – what are silverfish attracted to in the first place?

Like us, they go where food and shelter are readily available. Here are some tips on making the prospect of finding either on your property a long shot for silverfish and other insects.

  1. Put all food away and ensure it is sealed properly.
  2. Remove or seal away anything containing adhesives – that's right, silverfish eat a number of things that you might not expect. Office supplies are a prime source of food for these critters.
  3. Lower the humidity in your home. Silverfish require a humid environment to thrive and will not be as interested in dry areas as they are in humid ones.
  4. Store your clothes away securely, as silverfish can eat the fabric and thrive by hiding underneath inside stored clothing.

It's important to keep all of these tips in mind. Silverfish and silverfish larvae are quite difficult to spot sometimes, particularly if these pests have had the opportunity to conceal themselves under or behind fixtures or clothing.

Consult The Professionals For Total Silverfish Control

If you think you are dealing with a silverfish infestation after reading up on them, don't wait another day. At Lindsey Pest Services, we train our technicians to remove silverfish and the factors that attract them.

While we certainly respect the DIY attitude, there's little chance that the average homeowner's attempts can stop silverfish. Silverfish are also excellent hiders, so they will be challenging to get to in the first place. Only a professional solution is sufficient enough to fully contain a silverfish infestation.


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