Silverfish: A Destructive Force Inside Jacksonville Homes

September 1, 2023

Silverfish are unique insects that have a fish-like appearance. When these pests are inside a home, you’ll likely notice the damage they do before you see the insects themselves. These destructive pests can be challenging to eliminate without assistance from a company that provides silverfish pest control in Jacksonville.

This blog will explain more about silverfish and the damage they can cause to your belongings. The sooner you detect these insects, the better, so we’ll also provide tips for identifying a silverfish problem in your home. Discover how to remove these pesky insects and keep them from coming back with the experts at Lindsey Pest Services.

a silverfish crawling in a home

What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish are silver to brown insects with fish-shaped bodies, long, thin antennae, and three long bristles on their rear end. Adult silverfish are between 1/2 and 3/4 of an inch long, with metallic scales covering their bodies, and they move rapidly from side to side in a fish-like way. These pests thrive in humid areas of the home, including kitchens, bathrooms, attics, crawl spaces, and garages.

Silverfish in Jacksonville are nocturnal and stay out of sight by hiding in cracks and crevices during the day. If you suspect you have a silverfish infestation, working with a professional company like Lindsey Pest Services is the simplest and most effective way to eliminate it. Contact us today to learn more about our silverfish control services or to schedule your free inspection.

How Silverfish Destroy Fabric And Paper Products Inside Homes

Silverfish feed on paper products, glue, and organic fabrics like cotton and linen. We frequently see silverfish damage on stored paperwork, books, and bookbinding glue. They’ll also chew on your stored clothing or eat your wallpaper and the paste that holds it up.

If you see signs of silverfish damage on your belongings or see them racing around the house, the pros at Lindsey Pest Services are here to help. Contact us today with any questions or to schedule your free inspection.

How To Tell If Your Jacksonville Home Has A Silverfish Problem

Nocturnal insects that only come out when people are asleep can be more challenging to identify. Knowing some signs of these pests can help you detect a problem sooner and protect your belongings.

Here are some signs of a silverfish infestation to keep an eye out for: 

  • Shed scales in areas where they eat
  • Paper that appears to have a layer scraped away
  • Small, unconnected holes in clothing or fabric
  • Yellow stains on paper or cloth items
  • Feces on infested items that look like tiny pellets of black pepper

Contact the pros at Lindsey Pest Services at the first signs of silverfish. The sooner we can eliminate silverfish from your home, the safer your belongings will be. Reach out today to learn more about our services or to schedule your free inspection.

What You Can Do To Deter And Remove Silverfish In Jacksonville

There are proactive steps you can take to deter these pests from entering your house in the first place.

Here are some expert silverfish prevention tips to protect your home:

  • Control humidity in attics and crawl spaces with ventilation or a dehumidifier
  • Repair any moisture issues on your property
  • Replace water-damaged wood
  • Store old books and clothing in plastic containers
  • Store food like rolled oats and flour in pest-proof containers

The simplest way to remove these pests is to work with a silverfish exterminator near you. Lindsey Pest Services can help you eliminate these pests and provide further suggestions to prevent them from returning. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Jacksonville.


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